CHARGED BODIES, my non-fiction book about the creation of Silicon Valley, is 50% off until May 21.

The 40th Anniversary edition of CHARGED BODIES, my award-winning, non-fiction book about the creation of Silicon Valley, is 50% off until May 21.

  • Lee Felsenstein, Personal Computing Pioneer; Moderator, Homebrew Computer Club 1975–1986 “This should be a required read — a survey text — about the history and the future of technology development in Silicon Valley for all who wish to venture a pertinent opinion. Tom Mahon worked for years in those virtual vineyards and conducted interviews in the mid-1980s that reveal much about the industry’s currents and culture. He presents a number of dimensions along which further discussion and research can be directed. Anyone bloviating about Silicon Valley will need to remain anchored to this book or risk drifting away into irrelevance.”
  • Vint Cerf, Father of the Internet — “Read Chapter 24 (Afterword) first. You will then know why the book is worth your time to read. Then read the rest of the book that puts Silicon Valley in context. My career is rooted here despite having lived my last 47 years on the East Coast. Seeing the Valley through new eyes is worth the nearly 400 page trip.
  • John Markoff, What the Dormouse Said: How the Sixties Counterculture Shaped the Personal Computer — “Charged Bodies is a captivating archeological snapshot of Silicon Valley during its transformative years. Four decades after these portraits first appeared it is clear that Tom Mahon captured the Valley’s essence — the diversity of talent that converged on the San Francisco Peninsula during the 1980s to create a modern day Florence.
Tom Mahon, author of Charged Bodies

I started writing about technology in 1974, and began a half-century career as publicist, historian, essayist, novelist and speaker, in Silicon Valley.