
I am happy to introduce my new website, to highlight my recently republished history of the early years of Silicon Valley 1910–1985: CHARGED BODIES, PEOPLE, POWER AND THE PARADOXES THAT LAUNCHED SILICON VALLEY.

Over time, I hope to add to this site my observations since the coming of the Internet in the early 1990s, then social media, smartphones, and AI.

Most of my observations were from behind the corporate screen that, as a publicist, I helped to create over the years.

I had no idea what I wanted to do or be when I finished school. Then a half-century ago last month, I backed into a front-row seat to begin witnessing one of the most significant transitions in human history.

This is not like the creation of the Renaissance in Venice. We are in a transition as significant as the Neolithic Revolution, being led now by a small group with no moral vision, no conscience, no values except the desire to transition from multi-billionaires to multi-trillionaires. At the expense of our descendants.

I don’t have a lot of answers to conditions today, but I have observations based on what I have seen of the digital revolution since the summer of the Watergate Hearings.

CHARGED BODIES describes a very different Silicon Valley than today’s. But often to understand where we are, it’s worthwhile to look at how we got here. Thank you.



Tom Mahon, author of Charged Bodies

I started writing about technology in 1974, and began a half-century career as publicist, historian, essayist, novelist and speaker, in Silicon Valley.